891 research outputs found

    Electrical observation of a tunable band gap in bilayer graphene nanoribbons at room temperature

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    We investigate the transport properties of double-gated bilayer graphene nanoribbons at room temperature. The devices were fabricated using conventional CMOS-compatible processes. By analyzing the dependence of the resistance at the charge neutrality point as a function of the electric field applied perpendicular to the graphene surface, we show that a band gap in the density of states opens, reaching an effective value of ~sim50 meV. This demonstrates the potential of bilayer graphene as FET channel material in a conventional CMOS environment.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Apparent rippling with honeycomb symmetry and tunable periodicity observed by scanning tunneling microscopy on suspended graphene

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    Suspended graphene is difficult to image by scanning probe microscopy due to the inherent van-der-Waals and dielectric forces exerted by the tip which are not counteracted by a substrate. Here, we report scanning tunneling microscopy data of suspended monolayer graphene in constant-current mode revealing a surprising honeycomb structure with amplitude of 50-200 pm and lattice constant of 10-40 nm. The apparent lattice constant is reduced by increasing the tunneling current II, but does not depend systematically on tunneling voltage VV or scan speed vscanv_{\rm scan}. The honeycomb lattice of the rippling is aligned with the atomic structure observed on supported areas, while no atomic corrugation is found on suspended areas down to the resolution of about 343-4 pm. We rule out that the honeycomb structure is induced by the feedback loop using a changing vscanv_{\rm scan}, that it is a simple enlargement effect of the atomic resolution as well as models predicting frozen phonons or standing phonon waves induced by the tunneling current. Albeit we currently do not have a convincing explanation for the observed effect, we expect that our intriguing results will inspire further research related to suspended graphene.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, modified, more detailed discussion on errors in vdW parameter

    Weak localization in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As nanostructures

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    We report on the observation of weak localization in arrays of (Ga,Mn)As nanowires at millikelvin temperatures. The corresponding phase coherence length is typically between 100 nm and 200 nm at 20 mK. Strong spin-orbit interaction in the material is manifested by a weak anti-localization correction around zero magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Ультрафлокуляция – как метод повышения эффективности процесса извлечения тонкодисперсного угля из хвостов обогащения

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    На прикладі хвостів вуглезбагачення ОФ "Распадська" (р. Междуріченськ Кемеровської області, РФ) встановлено, що використання ультрафлокулярної обробки дає нижче-наступні переваги при витяганні тонкодисперсного вугілля методом седиментації в радіальному згущувачі: • зниження витрати флокулянтів – в 2,5-3,5 разу. • збільшення витягання вугільного концентрату з хвостів на 23…26%. • зменшення зольності концентрату, вилученого з хвостів з 18 до 12%. • зменшення вологості прес-фільтраційного кека концентрату, вилученого з хвостів з 40 до 35%.На примере хвостов углеобогащения ОФ "Распадская" (г. Междуреченск Кемеровской области, РФ) установлено, что использование ультрафлокулярной обработки дает нижеследующие преимущества при извлечении тонкодисперсного угля методом седиментации в радиальном сгустителе: • снижение расхода флокулянтов – в 2,5-3,5 раза. • увеличение извлечения угольного концентрата из хвостов на 23…26%. • уменьшение зольности концентрата, извлекаемого из хвостов с 18 до 12%. • уменьшение влажности пресс-фильтрационного кека концентрата, извлекаемого из хвостов с 40 до 35%

    Electrical transport and low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy of microsoldered graphene

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    Using the recently developed technique of microsoldering, we perform a systematic transport study of the influence of PMMA on graphene flakes revealing a doping effect of up to 3.8x10^12 1/cm^2, but a negligible influence on mobility and gate voltage induced hysteresis. Moreover, we show that the microsoldered graphene is free of contamination and exhibits a very similar intrinsic rippling as has been found for lithographically contacted flakes. Finally, we demonstrate a current induced closing of the previously found phonon gap appearing in scanning tunneling spectroscopy experiments, strongly non-linear features at higher bias probably caused by vibrations of the flake and a B-field induced double peak attributed to the 0.Landau level of graphene.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Observation of the spin-orbit gap in bilayer graphene by one-dimensional ballistic transport

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    We report on measurements of quantized conductance in gate-defined quantum point contacts in bilayer graphene that allow the observation of subband splittings due to spin-orbit coupling. The size of this splitting can be tuned from 40 to 80 μ\mueV by the displacement field. We assign this gate-tunable subband-splitting to a gap induced by spin-orbit coupling of Kane-Mele type, enhanced by proximity effects due to the substrate. We show that this spin-orbit coupling gives rise to a complex pattern in low perpendicular magnetic fields, increasing the Zeeman splitting in one valley and suppressing it in the other one. In addition, we observe the existence of a spin-polarized channel of 6 e2^2/h at high in-plane magnetic field and of signatures of interaction effects at the crossings of spin-split subbands of opposite spins at finite magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Supplement 6 figure

    Apparent rippling with honeycomb symmetry and tunable periodicity observed by scanning tunneling microscopy on suspended graphene

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    Suspended graphene is difficult to image by scanning probe microscopy due to the inherent van der Waals and dielectric forces exerted by the tip, which are not counteracted by a substrate. Here, we report scanning tunneling microscopy data of suspended monolayer graphene in constant-current mode, revealing a surprising honeycomb structure with amplitude of 50-200 pm and lattice constant of 10-40 nm. The apparent lattice constant is reduced by increasing the tunneling current I, but does not depend systematically on tunneling voltage V or scan speed v(scan). The honeycomb lattice of the rippling is aligned with the atomic structure observed on supported areas, while no atomic corrugation is found on suspended areas down to the resolution of about 3-4 pm. We rule out that the honeycomb structure is induced by the feedback loop using a changing vscan, that it is a simple enlargement effect of the atomic lattice, as well as models predicting frozen phonons or standing phonon waves induced by the tunneling current. Although we currently do not have a convincing explanation for the observed effect, we expect that our intriguing results will inspire further research related to suspended graphene

    Phase coherent transport in (Ga,Mn)As

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    Quantum interference effects and resulting quantum corrections of the conductivity have been intensively studied in disordered conductors over the last decades. The knowledge of phase coherence lengths and underlying dephasing mechanisms are crucial to understand quantum corrections to the resistivity in the different material systems. Due to the internal magnetic field and the associated breaking of time-reversal symmetry quantum interference effects in ferromagnetic materials have been scarcely explored. Below we describe the investigation of phase coherent transport phenomena in the newly discovered ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As. We explore universal conductance fluctuations in mesoscopic (Ga,Mn)As wires and rings, the Aharonov-Bohm effect in nanoscale rings and weak localization in arrays of wires, made of the ferromagnetic semiconductor material. The experiments allow to probe the phase coherence length L_phi and the spin flip length L_SO as well as the temperature dependence of dephasing.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    A C*-Algebraic Model for Locally Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    Locally noncommutative spacetimes provide a refined notion of noncommutative spacetimes where the noncommutativity is present only for small distances. Here we discuss a non-perturbative approach based on Rieffel's strict deformation quantization. To this end, we extend the usual C*-algebraic results to a pro-C*-algebraic framework.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX 2e, no figure